Iredell County Sheriff handles influx of gun permit applications

IREDELL COUNTY, N.C. — Iredell County Sheriff Darren Campbell said his Gunsoffice has seen an increase in applications for conceal and purchase permits.

“So much so that we are going to have to use flex scheduling and some overtime money to get our pistol permits and conceal permits streamlined into fashion,” he said.

Campbell said he believes he’s seeing more applications for two reason.

North Carolina House Bill 562 changed several state gun laws. Among other things, it allowed more people to be eligible for conceal carry permits.

“Along with that the national climate, people who worried about if are they going to be able to possess their firearms,” Campbell said.

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Demand for concealed carry permits grows in North Carolina

GREENSBORO — Look around North Carolina. If you’re with a group of Concealed20 or more people, chances are one of them is carrying a handgun.

Since 1995, when the state gave the general public the right to carry concealed handguns, a half-million people exercised that right.

Much of this surge is among women, who make up 8 percent, or 36,667, of permit holders.

Why people want to carry concealed handguns varies, according to the State Bureau of Investigation. But for most women, carrying a handgun is a matter of personal safety.