2015-2016 Official Directory

The North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association will soon publish its 2015-2016 Official Directory.  The directory will include all 100 of the North Carolina sheriffs (with photographs) and their staff, along with their contact information.  Also included are state and federal law enforcement officials, state department heads, and legislators across the state of North Carolina.

Over 4,000 copies of the 2015-2016 Official Directory will be distributed to the groups mentioned above.  This directory is one of the most highly consulted resources that the association publishes. Similar to the 2013-2014 NCSA Official Directory, we are offering advertising opportunities for the upcoming edition.

Only black and white advertisements will be available for the directory, and the cost will remain the same as the previous directory ads:  $450 for a one-half page ad, and $800 for a full page ad.  The size of the full-page ads are 8½ʺ X 11ʺ, and the one-half page ads are 8½ʺ X 5½ʺ.

All advertisements must be submitted by February 27, 2015, to Jason Bennett, NCSA Director of Business Development, at jbennett@ncsheriffs.net. If you have any questions pertaining to the directory advertising, please call Steve at 919-459-8195.

Please click on the appropriate “Purchase” button below to register for your advertisement.


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