One of the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association’s primary roles and responsibilities is to support and monitor legislation regarding public safety in North Carolina. During the Legislative session, the NCSA’s legislative team actively works with lawmakers to ensure the bills introduced in session are in the best interest of North Carolina citizens’ safety and North Carolina’s law enforcement officers.
The North Carolina General Assembly convened its 2015 Regular Session January 14, 2015. The 2015 Session was the first year of a two-year session and is commonly referred to as the “long session,” since it began in January and adjourned on September 30, 2015.
The 2016 Session of the General Assembly convened for the “short session” on Monday, April 25th at 7:00 p.m. In even numbered years such as 2016, the legislature would normally reconvene in early May after the May primary election. For 2016, the General Assembly moved the primary election day to March 15th for most national and State elections. Since the primary election was not held in May, the legislature decided to convene the 2016 Session earlier than normal.
Weekly Legislative Reports are prepared each week that the North Carolina General Assembly is in session. The reports detail legislation that is of special interest to sheriffs, sheriffs’ office personnel, and other law enforcement officers and criminal justice professionals in our state.
An annual Final Legislative Report is published after the General Assembly adjourns each year and includes summaries of: (1) relevant bills enacted into law during that Session; and (2) relevant provisions of that year’s State Budget Bill. See below for a link to Final Legislative Reports.
For more details about legislative bills summarized in the Reports, please review the actual legislation. Copies of any of the legislation introduced or considered by the General Assembly are available on the General Assembly’s world wide website:
The Weekly Legislative Report and the Final Legislative Report are provided at NO charge as a service to the sheriffs, criminal justice community and citizens of North Carolina.
Please see our most recent Weekly Legislative Report.