Onslow County Sheriff transition underway

JACKSONVILLE, ONSLOW COUNTY – Now that Onslow County voters have elected a new Sheriff, a transition phase will begin.

Republican Hans Miller won the Onslow County Sheriff race with 73% of votes against his Democrat opponent Scott Himes.

Miller will be replacing current Sheriff Ed Brown who has been in office for 24 years.

Newly elected Sheriff Miller will not have a cakewalk transition into the sheriff seat. In fact, there are 115 things that have to be done before he takes that seat on December 1st.

Miller has to complete a checklist is issued by the North Carolina Administrative Code.

He says becoming Sheriff means he will have many constitutional responsibilities. Miller will have to make sure things like evidence are properly safe guarded, that taxpayer funds are being properly used, and that all serialized equipment like firearms are accounted for.

Then Miller will attend a North Carolina Sheriffs Association one week training course in Durham.

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